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Aloe Essential Soothing Serum
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Aloe Essential Soothing Serum Sferangs

Aloe Vera Soothing Moisturizing Serum


Sferangs Aloe Essential Soothing Serum for dehydrated dry skin. Renews and restores the skin. Has a calming effect, relieves redness, irritation and swelling. Eliminates the feeling of tightness. Suitable for all skin types, especially for hypersensitive skin. The serum makes the skin soft and velvety, making it firm and healthy again.

Active ingredients:
  • Aloe extract - moisturizes and nourishes, deeply and gently cleanses, restores and protects, rejuvenates and slows down the aging process, normalizes the metabolic process and deodorizes. Aloe contains a wide variety of vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C and E, which nourish, regenerate and soothe the skin.
  • Hyaluronic acid- It is a natural means of preserving youth. It makes the skin supple, soft and firm, giving it a healthy, well-groomed appearance. Stimulates the production of collagen in the body, prevents its destruction. Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide, which is part of the cellular substance of connective tissue, a natural gelling agent, an important structural element of the skin, due to its high hydrophilicity it helps to maintain a normal water balance in skin cells, creates internal tissue volume, improves skin relief, prevents and slows down skin aging, smoothes wrinkles , effectively moisturize and protect the skin, prevent the formation of scars. Possesses antiviral, bactericidal, wound healing effect, in combination with other biological active components, it acts in synergy, enhancing their activity.
  • Acerola (Barbados cherry) - has a tonic, regenerating effect, improves skin tone. Has a pronounced antioxidant effect.
  • Macadamia oil is considered one of the best care products for aging skin, as it promotes its regeneration, as well as softens, tones and moisturizes. For mature skin that has stopped sebum production, this oil is also very beneficial. The oil obtained from macadamia nuts has a whole range of valuable properties - regenerating, softening, anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating, moisturizing. Slowing down the aging process, it helps to rejuvenate the skin, restore its natural tone and elasticity, smoothes wrinkles with prolonged use.
  • Экстракт ягод асаи обладает антиоксидантным действием. Антоцианины (растительные пегменты), содержащиеся в Асаи уменьшают разрушение клеток кожи, противодействуют процессу старения. Как источник жирных кислот, Асаи питает и оздоравливает кожу. Фитостеролы регулируют липидную активность верхних слоев кожи. Кроме того, фитостеролы стимулируют регенерацию клеток кожи и используются для лечения дерматитов.
  • Масло жожоба содержит огромное количество витамина E, который способствует сохранению молодости и красоты кожи. Эффективно его использование при сухой и шелушащейся коже, а также при уже увядающей, потерявшей упругость, дряблой кожи, с явными признаками старения (морщины и т.д.). Масло жожоба замечательно питает, смягчает, и на долгое время увлажняет кожу, убирает ее шелушение, повышает упругость и эластичность кожных покровов, разглаживает имеющиеся на лице морщинки.
  • Babassu oil  instantly replenishes moisture reserves, perfectly penetrates into the lower layers of the dermis and acts at the cellular level; effectively moisturizes any type of skin; saturates with nutrients; increases the protective properties of the skin; retains moisture; makes the skin soft, gives it extraordinary silkiness and tenderness; does not clog pores; moisturizes and nourishes the skin of the lips, preventing it from cracking, therefore it is recommended for use both in winter frosty days and during summer heat; great for baby skin care.
  • Peony extract  - has an immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic effect, can act as an antibiotic. Stimulates blood circulation and improves the appearance of the skin. Effective for acne and other skin conditions
  • Epidermal growth factor (EGF)  is an epidermal cell regeneration factor.  EGF promotes epidermal cell growth and reduces redness.
Mode of application:

After cleansing and toning, apply a small amount of the serum to the face, neck and décolleté.  To enhance the synergistic effect, the serum can be used after the aloe ampoule.  Use in the morning and evening.


Serum  Aloe Essential Soothing Serum  from  Sferangs  moisturizes and makes the skin soft and velvety, again making it supple and healthy.

  • Increases the barrier and protective functions of the skin
  • Deeply moisturizes
  • Nourishes
  • Rejuvenates
  • Lifting
  • Fight rosacea problem
  • Relieves irritation and puffiness
  • Aloe Essential Soothing Serum Sferangs

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