Clearing Т-care Toner
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Clearing Т-care Toner Sferangs

Anti-inflammatory tonic for problem skin


Sferangs Clearing T-care Toner is formulated to not only remove excess sebum, but also to contain excessive sebum secretion.  Also, the tonic has an antibacterial effect, due to which it minimizes the risk of inflammation and soothes those that are already there.  The product does not disturb the natural pH balance, does not leave a feeling of tightness and helps to prepare the skin for the next treatment.

Active ingredients:
  • Tea tree extract  quickly and effectively treats skin pathologies associated with inflammation and poor epidermal regeneration.  Eliminates irritation.  Possesses cleansing properties.  Prevents ingrown hairs.  Kills pathogenic microflora, refreshes.  Fights fungal infections.  Possesses matting properties.
  • Loess extract  - purified natural loess (fine-grained calcareous sedimentary rock) rich in minerals, also known as healing clay.  It is obtained from sedimentary rocks that have been subject to destruction, tremors and unfavorable weather conditions since the Ice Age, as a result of which they disintegrated to dry fine particles.  Loess particles penetrate deeply into the pores and thoroughly cleanse the skin, absorbing toxic substances and removing blackheads (comedones).  Also, loess normalizes metabolic and regenerative processes, softening hardening and thickening in the skin, reduces allergic and inflammatory reactions.
  • Salicylic acid  has an anti-inflammatory, exfoliating and keratolytic effect, has a strong antibacterial effect, therefore it effectively copes with the treatment of acne, dissolves sebum in pores, prevents pore expansion, evens out skin microrelief, eliminates excessive oiliness and gives a matte finish;  accelerates skin regeneration.
  • Ecklonia cava  is a type of kelp, a rare and exotic marine plant that is harvested by hand in cold, nutrient-rich, deep sea waters.  Contains tannins, iodine, iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, vitamin A and niacin.  Antioxidants of eklonia kava are many times stronger than any antioxidants of "land" plants.  A unique component of algae - alginic acid, which tightens and moisturizes, mineralizes, enriches the skin with oxygen.  Seaweed in the cream normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, accelerates the healing of inflammations and suppresses new inflammatory processes, accelerates metabolic processes and removes toxins and toxins, and reduces swelling.
  • Guarana extract  energizes, tones, increases turgor and activates intracellular processes in the skin;  has a rejuvenating effect, helps to get rid of visible signs of skin aging - smoothes wrinkles, tightens, eliminates fatigue;  well cleanses and revitalizes the skin.
  • Hyssop extract  effectively cares for the skin of the face and body, improves tone, normalizes the function of the sebaceous and sweat glands, and promotes the recovery of problem skin.  Thanks to its reference cooling, lymphatic drainage effect, the skin instantly calms down after the most traumatic procedure (cleansing, peeling, dermabrasion).  Eliminates irritation, hyperemia, swelling, burning, stress reactions of the skin.  Effective for bacterial and autoimmune dermatitis, weeping eczema.  Forms a homogeneous skin coloration.  It has a wound healing and resorption effect.  A good toner for any type of skin, especially prone to irritation, acne, various types of rashes, including allergic ones.
  • Acai berry extract  has antioxidant properties.  Anthocyanins (plant pigments) contained in Acai reduce the destruction of skin cells and counteract the aging process.  As a source of fatty acids, Acai nourishes and revitalizes the skin.  Phytosterols regulate the lipid activity of the upper layers of the skin.  In addition, phytosterols stimulate skin cell regeneration and are used to treat dermatitis.
  • The nut lotus extract  has an anti-inflammatory, antitoxic, tonic and restorative effect;  moisturizes and nourishes the skin.
Mode of application:

After washing your face, apply an appropriate amount of the tonic to a cotton sponge and gently wipe your face.  Repeat the procedure if necessary.


Tonic  Clearing T-care Toner  from  Sferangs prevents  the occurrence of rashes, controlling sebum production, removes inflammation.

  • Shrinks pores
  • Fight Acne and Blackheads
  • Relieves inflammation
  • Controls the secretion of the sebaceous glands
  • Moisturizes
  • Mattes
  • Stimulates the skin's own immunity
  • Has a powerful antiseptic effect
  • Clearing Т-care Toner Sferangs

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