Aloe Essential Soothing Pack 300ml
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Aloe Essential Soothing Pack 300ml Sferangs

Aloe Essential Soothing Pack 300ml Sferangs

Aloe Essential Soothing Pack 300ml Sferangs

Soothing aloe vera cream


Sferangs' Aloe Essential Soothing Pack creamy mask restores moisture, nourishes and refreshes dry and dehydrated skin in just 5 minutes.  Instantly soothes sensitive skin, relieves swelling and irritation.  Suitable for skin with hormonal changes during menopause, for dehydrated skin from exposure to heating and air conditioning, after aggressive cosmetic procedures.

Active ingredients:
  • Aloe extract  - moisturizes and nourishes, deeply and gently cleanses, restores and protects, rejuvenates and slows down the aging process, normalizes the metabolic process and deodorizes.  Aloe contains a wide variety of vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C and E, which nourish, regenerate and soothe the skin.
  • Allantoin  - softens the stratum corneum, helping to remove dead cells and effectively prevents clogging of pores and inflammatory elements.  Stimulates the healing of the skin.  Stimulates the renewal of epidermal cells, softens, moisturizes, potentiates the effects of other biologically active substances and vitamins.  Possesses bactericidal and immunomodulatory properties.  It is widely used in the creation of cosmetics for the care of chapped, scalded and chapped skin.  In hair products, it is used to remove dandruff cups.  Possesses antioxidant activity.
  • Sodium hyaluronate  - creates an invisible barrier on the skin that prevents moisture evaporation.  Improves the structure of the skin, promotes the regeneration of the epidermis, reduces fine wrinkles and makes the skin smooth and soft.
  • Macadamia oil  is considered one of the best care products for aging skin, as it promotes its regeneration, as well as softens, tones and moisturizes.  For mature skin that has stopped sebum production, this oil is also very beneficial.  The oil obtained from macadamia nuts has a whole range of valuable properties - regenerating, softening, anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating, moisturizing.  Slowing down the aging process, it helps to rejuvenate the skin, restore its natural tone and elasticity, smoothes wrinkles with prolonged use.
  • Shea butter (Shea)  - moisturizes, protects and regenerates the skin, rich in unsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, oleic, palmitic and stearic).  It has soothing, stimulating and photoprotective properties, while being an excellent regenerating and powerful nourishing ingredient for the skin.
  • Panthenol (vitamin B5)  - has a good penetrating ability, instantly moisturizes the skin, repairs damage, heals, relieves irritation and inflammation, eliminates dryness and flaking, with frequent use increases skin firmness and elasticity.  Panthenol has excellent softening, toning and soothing properties, gives the dermis extraordinary softness and silkiness, forms a thin breathable film on the surface of the epidermis, protects against ultraviolet radiation and other aggressive environmental factors.
  • Acerola (Barbados cherry)  - has a tonic, regenerating effect, improves skin tone.  Has a pronounced antioxidant effect.
  • Raspberry extract  is a proven antioxidant with a powerful vaso-strengthening effect.  Astringent and toning properties allow you to judge the pores and smooth the skin.
  • Meshima mushroom extract  promotes skin rejuvenation and wound healing.  Beta glucan can help smooth the surface of the skin by speeding up the process of skin cell renewal.
Mode of application:

1: On well-cleansed skin, apply the mask with a special brush, evenly spreading over the surface of the face and neck.  Leave the mask for 15 minutes, then rinse with plenty of water and treat with tonic.  Method of application
2: Apply in a thin layer at night as a night cream.


Mask  Aloe Essential Soothing Pack  from  Sferangs  just 5 minutes level restores moisture, nourishes and refreshes dry and dehydrated skin.  Instantly soothes sensitive skin, relieves swelling and irritation.

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