Vertical drainage pump with automatic and manual operating modes with a removable filter for pumping liquid to a level of 2-3 mm provides maximum ease of use. Suitable for pumping liquids containing solid particles with a diameter of up to 10 mm.
- Operating range: flow from 1 to 16 m3/h, pressure up to 10.2 m.
- Liquid temperature range: from 0 °C to +35 °C for domestic use.
- Pumped liquid: wastewater without long-fiber inclusions.
- Maximum permissible diameter of solid particles in the pumped liquid: NOVA 180-NOVA 200 5 mm
NOVA 300 – NOVA 600 10 mm - Minimum pumping level: NOVA 180 A 77 mm
NOVA 180 NA – NOVA 200 8 mm
NOVA 300 85 mm
NOVA 600 A 175 mm
NOVA 600 NA 38 mm - Maximum immersion depth: 7 m.
- Maximum operating time without water: 1 min.
- Protection degree: IP 68.
- Insulation class: F.
Housing pump, impeller and suction grille – technopolymer. Motor housing, shaft and screws – stainless steel. A triple gland seal in the oil chamber protects the engine from ingress of the pumped liquid. The pumps are equipped with a water-cooled asynchronous electric motor and continuous operation (S1). The stator windings are located in a stainless steel motor housing. The rotor rotates on oversized bearings filled with grease for life. The version with a single-phase electric motor has built-in overload protection. To protect a three-phase motor, overload protection must be provided in accordance with current regulations.
Supplied with a standard power cord for single-phase models:
5 meters H05RN-F for: | NOVA 180 MA NOVA 300 MA NOVA 600 MA |
10 meters H05RN-F for: | NOVA 180 M-NA NOVA 200 M-NA |
10 meters H07RN-F for : | NOVA 600 M-NA |
Standard cable for three-phase models: 5 meters of HO7RN-F cable. The plug standard for single-phase models is SCHUKO EEC VII.