Fecal pump dab GRINDER 1000-1200-1600
Sewage pump dab GRINDER 1000-1200-1600

Submersible sewage pump with cutting mechanism for pumping domestic wastewater with solid inclusions. The cutting mechanism crushes solid inclusions in the pumped liquid, which cannot be pumped out with a standard pump.


  • Degree of protection: IP 68
  • Insulation class: F
  • Configuration and operating mode : Continuous operation S1 only in fully immersed condition. Single-phase models can be equipped with a built-in float switch for automatic operation. The standard package includes a 10 m H07RN-F power cable.
  • Operating range: flow from 3 to 18 m3/h, pressure up to 23 m.
  • Pumped liquid: non-aggressive waste, drainage water
  • Liquid temperature range: from 0° ; up to +40°
  • Maximum immersion depth: 10 m
  • Installation: vertically, in a free position.
  • Maximum permissible diameter of solid particles in the pumped liquid: 5 mm.


Cover, motor housing, hydraulic part and impeller – cast iron ENGJL 200, cutting mechanism – AISI440C. Double mechanical seal in the oil chamber-graphite/aluminum oxide. The pumps are equipped with a water-cooled asynchronous electric motor. To ensure low noise levels and long service life, the rotor rotates on oversized bearings filled with grease for life. Single-phase models are supplied assembled with a starting capacitor unit that has built-in overload protection.

 Sewage pump dab GRINDER 1000-1200-1600

Fecal pump dab GRINDER 1000-1200-1600

Fecal pump dab GRINDER 1000-1200-1600

Fecal pump dab GRINDER 1000-1200-1600

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